Friday, October 31 |
- 4-10 pm: Registration open in the main PEEC building for packet pick-up and check-in for those staying at PEEC. Costumes optional.
Saturday, November 1 |
- 8am – 1pm: Registration open in the lobby of the main PEEC building.
- 11am – 12:30 pm: Recreational Registration open in the lobby of the main PEEC building. White and Yellow courses only. Starts until 1pm.
- 9am: First bus to start leaves. Bus pick-up point is in front of the main PEEC building.
- 10am: First official starts.
- 11:30am - 3pm: US Team 1-KM Challenge Fundraiser. Near the main PEEC building.
- 10am – 2pm: PEEC bookstore and gift shop open.
- 11am – 4pm: PEEC snack shack open.
- 12:30pm: Last bus to start leaves from the PEEC building.
- 3-5pm: Pool inside the main PEEC building open to all. Only 25 people are allowed in the water at any one time so please limit your stay if there are people waiting.
- 1-5pm: Various programs offered by the PEEC staff. Details in the main PEEC lobby.
- 6-7pm: Dinner in the PEEC dining hall for those staying at PEEC or who bought dinner tickets.
- 7-9pm: The main PEEC building will be open for all participants. Light snacks available.
- 7:30pm: Course review in one of the side classrooms of the main PEEC building.
Sunday, November 2 |
- 7-11am: Registration open in the lobby of the main PEEC building.
- 9:30-11am: Recreational Registration open. White course only. Starts until 11:30am.
- 7:30am: First bus to start leaves for all courses except White. Bus pick-up is in front of the main PEEC building. The start for the White course is a short walk from the main PEEC building – follow signs and streamers.
- 8:30am: First official starts.
- 11:00am: Last bus to start leaves from the PEEC building.
- 10am – 2pm: PEEC bookstore and gift shop open.
- 11am – 4pm: PEEC snack shack open.
- 1:30pm (or as soon after that as possible): Awards near the Day 2 download and finish area. (Will move to the main PEEC building if bad weather.)
Starts: |
All Courses require a 15 minute bus ride to start. There is one start for all courses; it is located right at the bus drop off point. There will be an area for warm up near the start location, but no restrooms after you leave PEEC. |
Map Notes: |
- Map scale is 1:15,000 with 5 m contour intervals. The White course has a streamered route along a stone wall from control #6 to #7.
- Light green on the map has medium to good visibility and run ability.
- Besides a few new rootstocks, the map is in excellent condition.
- There are many small to medium size knolls and ponds. Together with a strong trail network and low cliffs on southern ridges, this will make for an enjoyable day in the woods.
Sorry about the climb
Mark Cornish, Day 1 Course Setter
Starts: |
There are two start locations. The White course start is a 2 minute walk from PEEC Headquarters – follow signs and streamers. All other courses require a bus ride to the start. From the bus drop off point, it is a 5 to 10 minute walk to the start area. A warm-up area is available near the start – follow signs. There are no rest room facilities at the start. |
Map Notes: |
- Map scale is 1:15,000 with 5m contour interval.
- The terrain contains many low stone walls that are depicted on the map as linear stony ground.
- There are numerous distinct coniferous trees in the terrain, depicted on the map by the "small green circle" symbol. Although runners may encounter other unmapped coniferous trees, those mapped will be the most distinct in any given area.
- A mottled green screen is occasionally used to show vegetation consisting of pine understory with slow to medium runnability.
- Runners may notice a few new unmapped rootstocks.
Other Notes: |
- All courses crossing Spackman Creek share a common stream crossing point. This constraint was imposed by the National Park Service for environmental reasons.
- Streamers have been placed along some trail sections that may be partially obscured by newly fallen leaves.
- Control density is high in some areas – check codes carefully before punching.
- There are several unstaffed road crossings on the Blue course.
- A new unmapped Visitor’s Center is being constructed south of the PEEC Headquarters. This should not affect the courses. Please stay clear of the construction area.
Tom Overbaugh – Day 2 Course Setter |
Finish: |
- The Saturday finish is remote. There is a 500m walk out to the road where the bus will pick up competitors and take them back to PEEC. Buses will run until 4pm. Late finishers will be transported back to PEEC by event workers.
- The Sunday finish is in the field behind the main PEEC campus.
- We will transport clothing left at the start to the finish area as quickly as possible.
Bus Schedule: |
Please give yourself plenty of time to get to the starts. Buses will be leaving PEEC approximately every 15 minutes. Between waiting for the next bus to leave, the ride to the start, and the walk to the start, it could be 30 minutes. |
E-Punch Download & Results: |
- On Saturday, the e-punch download area and the posting of results will be in the main PEEC building. You will download your e-cards after the bus ride back from finish. There will be signs at the bus drop off point. Please don’t forget to download!!! Please remove spikes before entering the PEEC buildings.
- On Sunday, the e-punch download area and results will be adjacent to the finish.
Hunting: |
Please be aware that the courses on Saturday are on public land, where turkey and small game hunting is allowed. Bright clothing is advised. |
Injuries & Safety: |
Please report injuries to the finish; there will be an EMT there both days. The safety bearing for both days is north. On Saturday you will get to Milford Rd. – head right to Brisco Mountain Rd. which will take you back to PEEC. On Sunday you will hit Emery Rd.- head left which will take you back to PEEC. |
E-punch General Information: |
All competitors except those on recreational courses will be using the SportIdent electronic punching system. If you rented an electronic punch card (e-card) for this event, there is a $30 replacement cost if you do not return it. Rented e-cards should be returned at the download station on Sunday. Clear stations to erase old data will be located at the starts. Please clear your e-card before you are called to the start line. A start official will verify your cleared e-card with a check unit. All competitors will be using a start punch. Follow the directions of the start official. You must punch at all controls in the correct order. If you punch a control out of sequence, you should re-punch in the correct order. If, say, at a water stop for example, you can’t remember if you already punched a control, it is okay to punch it again. If for some reason the electronic control does not beep or flash, or is otherwise missing or defective, use the back-up pin punch that will be hanging with the flag. Punch on your bib number (preferred), your control description card if you are carrying one or your map and report this at the finish when you complete your course. If you need more information about electronic punching, please go to the registration area in the main PEEC building where there will be a demo unit available and someone to answer questions. |
Maps: |
Copies of the maps will be posted near registration in the main PEEC building. The start and finish locations will be marked as well as bus drop off and pick up points. |
Showers: |
Showers are available for competitors in the pool locker rooms in the main PEEC building. |
Area Map: |
Event Officials: |
Course Setters and Vetters |
Mark Cornish, Chris Gross Tom Overbaugh, Fred Kreusi |
Technical Assistance |
Ralph Tolbert Harvey Lape Eric Weyman |
Web Master |
Kent Shaw |
Registration |
Jason Tong |
Housing and SI Coordinator |
Valerie Meyer |
Start |
Ed Scott |
Finish |
Steve Aronson |
Results |
Nancy Sharp |